Volumes of selected (reviewed) conference and symposium papers are often published by the Society in association with various publishing houses and institutions. The Society has, for instance, established a CESE Series with Sense Publishers (Comparative and International Education: Diversity of Voices ) devoted to publish studies on comparative and international education.
Volumes of CESE Conferences 2004-2018
XXVIII Conference (Nicosia, 2018)
Stephen Carney & Eleftherios Klerides (Eds.) (2020). Identities and Education: Comparative Perspectives in Times of Crisis. London and New York, Bloomsbury
XXVII Conference (Glasgow, 2018)
Stephen Carney & Michele Schweisfurth (Eds.) (2018). Equity in and through Education: Changing Contexts, Consequences and Contestations. Rotterdam-Boston-Taipei: Sense Publishers
XXVI Conference (Freiburg, 2014)
Hans-Georg Kotthoff & Eleftherios Klerides (Eds.) (2015). Governing Educational Spaces: Knowledge, Teaching, and Learning in Transition. Rotterdam-Boston-Taipei: Sense Publishers
XXV Conference (Salamanca, 2012)
Leoncio Vega (Ed.) (2014). Empires, Post-Coloniality and Interculturality: New Challenges for Comparative Education. Rotterdam-Boston-Taipei: Sense Publishers
XXIV Conference (Uppsala, 2010)
Lennart Wikander, Christina Gustafsson & Ulla Riis (Eds.) (2012). Enlightenment, Creativity and Education: Polities, Politics, Performances. Rotterdam-Boston-Taipei: Sense Publishers
Special Symposium (Las Palmas, 2009)
Miguel Pereyra, Hans-Georg Kottoff & Robert Cowen (Eds.) (2011). PISA under examination: changing knowledge, changing tests, and changing schools. Rotterdam-Boston-Taipei: Sense Publishers
XXIII Conference (Athens, 2008)
Dimitris Mattheou (Ed.) (2010). Changing Educational Landscapes: Educational Policies, Schooling Systems and Higher Education - a comparative perspective. Dordrecht, Springer
XXII Conference (Granada, 2006)
Miguel A. Pereyra (Ed.). (2008). Changing knowledge and education: communities, mobilities and new policies in global societies. Frankfurt am Main and Oxford: Peter Lang
XXI Conference (Copenhagen, 2004)
Jonas Sprogøe & Thyge Winther-Jensen (Eds.) (2006). Identity, education and citizenship - multiple interrelations. Frankfurt am Main and Oxford: Peter Lang