Volumes of selected (reviewed) conference and symposium papers are often published by the Society in association with various publishing houses and institutions. The Society has recently established a CESE Series with Sense Publishers devoted to publish studies on comparative and international education. The first publication of this series is "PISA under Examination: Changing Knowledge, Changing Tests, and Changing Schools", ed. by Miguel A. Pereyra, Hans-Georg Kotthoff & Robert Cowen (forthcoming).
IV Conference (Prague 1969) 34
"Curriculum development at the second level of education", containing the papers read before the Society at the fourth General Meeting. Edited by Brian Holmes & Raymond Ryba (180 p.).
V Conference (Stockholm 1971) 33
"Teacher education", containing the papers read before the Society at the fifth General Meeting. Edited by Raymond Ryba, assisted by Brian Holmes (London, CESE, 1972, 160 p.).
XVI Conference (Copenhagen 1994) 0
"Challenges to European education: cultural values, national identities, and global responsibilities", a product of the 16th Congress of CESE. Ed. by Thyge Winther-Jensen (Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang, 1996, 543 p.).
VII Conference (Sèvres 1975) 0
"School and community" . Edited by Raymond Ruba & Denis Kallen.
XIII Conference (Budapest 1988) 0
"Aims of education and development of personality: comparative aspects", proceedings of the 13th CESE Conference. Edited by Henk Van Daele and Marc Vansteenkiste (Brussels, CESE, 1990, 109 p.).
VI Conference (Frascati 1973) 0
"Recurrent education - concepts and policies for lifelong learning", containing the papers read before the Society at the sixth General Meeting. Edited by Raymond Ryba and Brian Holmes (1973, 122 p.).
Special Conference (Garda 1986) 52
"Comparative education today". A cura di Battista Orizio (Frascati, Centro Europeo dell'Educazione, 1988, 348 p.).
XV Conference (Dijon 1992) 32
"Evaluating education and training: comparative approaches". Edited by Marlaine Cacouault and Francois Orivel (Bourgogne, University of Bourgogne, IREDU-CNRS, 1993, 549 p.).
IX Conference (Valencia 1979) 0
"The influence of international educational research on national educational policies" (Spain, Valencia, I.C.E.).
X Conference (Genève 1981) 14
"Les sciences de l´éducation: perspectives et bilans Européens", actes de la 10e Conférence de l'Association d'Education Comparée pour l'Europe. Edité par I. Cavicchi-Broquet et P. Furter. Cahier No 33 (Genève, Université de Genève, Faculté de Psychologie et des Sciences de l'Education, 1982).
XII Conference (Antwerp 1985) 48
"The impact of technology on society and education: a comparative perspective", proceedings of the 12th CESE Congress. Edited by Henk van Daele and Marc Vansteenkiste (Brussels, CESE, 1986, 476 p.).
Forthcoming publications 1
"PISA under examination: changing knowledge, changing tests, and changing schools", containing the papers read at the I CESE In-Between. Edited by Miguel Pereyra, Hans-Georg Kottoff and Robert Cowen (Amsterdam, Sense Publishers in association with CESE, Forthcoming publication).
XXIII Conference (Athens 2008) 1
"Changing educational landscapes: educational policies, schooling systems and higher education: a comparative perspective", selected papers from the 23rd CESE conference. Edited by Dimitris Mattheou (Dordrecht and London, Springer, 2010, 328 p.).
XXII Conference (Granada 2006) 1
"Changing knowledge and education: communities, mobilities and new policies in global societies", selected papers from the 22nd CESE conference. Edited by Miguel A. Pereyra (Frankfurt am Main and Oxford, Peter Lang, Comparative studies series, Vol. 18, 2008, 367 p.).
XXI Conference (Copenhagen 2004) 1
"Identity, education and citizenship - multiple interrelations", selected papers from the 21st CESE conference. Edited by Jonas Sprogøe and Thyge Winther-Jensen (Frankfurt am Main and Oxford, Peter Lang, 2006, Comparative studies series, Vol. 13, 393 p.)
Recent Publications 1
See recent publications by CESE
I Conference (Amsterdam 1963) 1
"Comparative education research and the determinants of educational policy", containing the papers read before the Society at the first General Meeting (Amsterdam, CESE, 1963, 138 p.).
II Conference (Berlin 1965) 0
"General education in a changing world", containing the papers read before the Society at the second General Meeting (The Hague, Nijhoff, 1967).
III Conference (Gent 1967) 0
"The university within the education system", containing the papers read before the Society at the third General Meeting (Belgium, CESE with the aid of the Belgian Ministry of National Education and Culture, 1968, 300 p.).
VIII Conference (London 1977) 0
"Diversity and unity within school", proceedings of the twelfth Annual Conference of CESE. Edited by Jill Moore and Peter Raggatt (London, Institute of Education, University of London, 63 p.).
XI Conference (Würzburg 1983) 0
"Education and the diversity of cultures: the contribution of comparative education". Edited by Wolfgang Mitter and Jonathan Swift (1985).
XVII Conference (Athens 1996) 0
"Education and the structuring of European space: north‐south, centre‐periphery, identity‐otherness", one result of the 17th Conference of CESE. Edited by Andreas M. Kazamias in collaboration with Martin G. Spillane (Athens, Serios and the Greek Comparative Education Society, 1998, 416 p.).
XVIII Conference (Groningen 1998) 1
"Education contested: changing relations between state, market, and civil society in modern European education", one result of the 18th Conference of CESE. Edited by Jules L. Peschar and Marieke van der Wal (Lisse, Swets & Zeitlinger, 2000, 208 p.).